There you were, living in a reality where laptops had a single screen. And then the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show happened, and suddenly a ...
There you were, living in a reality where laptops had a single screen. And then the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show happened, and suddenly a paradigm shifted.
That's right, folks: Razer is taking the bold step of not just doubling, but outright tripling the number of laptop screens. This is Project Valerie, a super bizarre concept from a company known for making very nice, very expensive gaming hardware.
The first thing you'll notice, of course, is the three-screen concept. In total, the screens create a massive 11520 x 2160 display.
RazerRazer's calling it "12K," which isn't exactly accurate. These are three 17.3-inch discreet displays, each offering 4K visuals.
So, how does this work? The screens are automated — you push a button and they extend out:
See the rest of the story at Business Insider